Though the high 80 degree temperatures that continue to occur may suggest otherwise, the autumnal equinox, more often referred to as the start of fall, is just around the corner on Sunday, Sept. 22.
During the autumn season, the length of days and nights will be the same, the leaves will begin to change color then eventually fall and the temperature will begin to drop. With these changes come the opportunities to experience the fall festivities Iowa has to offer.
1. Fall festivals
There are a variety of fall festivals welcoming the season during various dates and locations, some of which including Norwalk, Des Moines, Cumming and more. Within these events there will be a multitude of activities for different experiences while still maintaining the essence of autumn.
2. Pumpkin patches and orchards
It is usually agreed upon that when thinking about the fall season the vegetable that defines it is pumpkins. During this season one will be able to purchase pumpkins, take pictures with autumn-themed setups and overall enjoy the ambiance.
For those whose favorite season is not necessarily fall, but the spooky season revolving around the atmosphere revolving around Halloween there are two major attractions this coming October.
3. Villisca Axe Murder House
Labeled as “[o]ne of America’s most haunted houses” by US Ghost Adventures, the haunted attraction came about after the mysterious murders of eight, two of which were children, which remains unsolved to this day.
One is able to book a tour, a single room or even the entire house for varying prices year-round, though the attraction is particularly popular during the Halloween season for those looking for the haunting thrill of a lifetime.

4. The Slaughterhouse Haunted Attraction
Indeed the most famous frightening seasonal attraction to come to Des Moines is the annual Slaughterhouse, this year’s house theme being “The Year of the Stitch” in homage to the character Albert “Stitches” Briggs featured in the attraction. One is able to start purchasing tickets as they are currently on sale and/or buy them at the gate throughout the October weekends.

It seems that no matter what mood/ambience one is looking for this fall season, Iowa has plenty of options for one to enjoy throughout the beginning month of fall.