Back in November of 2024, the high school science department was able to attend the National Science Teachers Association National Conference on Science Education in New Orleans, Louisiana through the funding of the North Polk Foundation.
Aaron Dose, who had been selected to present at the conference, explained that having already gone to the convention in previous years, believed that being able to travel as a department would be beyond beneficial for not only the staff, but for students as well.
After submitting a request to the North Polk Foundation for this opportunity, the foundation acceded and gave the department seven thousand dollars to cover the cost of the trip.
When asked about decision making behind the scenes of the North Polk Foundation, President Kristin Davis explained that the foundation “take[s] into account how many students the requests will affect and the impact that request would/could make” on the overall community.
Dose, who has been teaching in the district for seven years, explained that the entirety of the science department had not ever been taken on a trip, therefore the opportunity was beyond exciting.
During the few days trip and convention the department was able to learn from educators from across the nation, with Dose stating that they were able to bring back teaching methods, ideas and even physical source material that can and already had been implemented into some classrooms.
An example of these new materials being used already was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create a makeshift study guide-like podcast that was used by Environmental Science students for a unit test. Moreover, Dose mentioned the possibility of a full department– with each class implementing something different- into one project as done in another school across the nation.
Dose explained that being around so many talented educators “re-sparks [his] teaching, because there are so many great teachers doing cool stuff in their classes.” This then translates to not only his teaching style, but also a positive learning environment for students.
Through this opportunity, the value and importance of continued education is demonstrated by teachers which can then be translated into their classrooms and into students.
“To try and challenge yourself and make yourself a little uncomfortable…is really important for teachers,” and through the example of these teachers both students and staff can continue “learning for all by learning by all.”
The generous donation of the foundation will continue to be felt for years as the knowledge and teachings learned by staff is passed onto students in the present and in years to come.