DMACC Spring Registration Open
NP Students Benefit
October 26, 2020

Registration for spring DMACC classes has officially opened and will close on Nov. 21, 2020. Any junior, senior, or freshman and sophomores in ELP can register for online classes or in-person virtual classes at DMACC with approval from parents. Students registering for these classes should be prepared because they are college courses, and they will show up on both their high school and college transcripts.
North Polk counselor Jessica Allen describes students who should take DMACC classes as “any student who is ready, able to balance their current course load, and wants to explore a potential career and/or major.”
There are many benefits to taking online DMACC classes, including getting college credit for free, experience in college courses, and discovering possibilities for careers and college majors. Many high school students find these courses helpful when they get to college because they do not have to take those introductory courses freshman year.
Senior Olivia Cooper states, “I am very thankful that I get the opportunity to take DMACC classes not only in-person but also online.” Cooper adds that she would recommend DMACC classes to all students because of the wonderful opportunities DMACC classes offer.
However, Allen warns students not to take too many DMACC classes. Students should take advantage of these classes, but they should not feel obligated to take them. Further, students should remember that full schedules are challenging to handle with the other activities and sports they may be involved in.
“Oftentimes students feel pressured to take dual-credit classes and take on too many (sometimes more than a traditional college student). Graduating without dual-credit classes is certainly ok too,” Allen informs.