Junior Isabelle Friedman is a Journalism Production student for her first year. Her favorite part of Journalism is writing news articles and interviewing people. She is taking Journalism Productions in order to be able to take Newspaper Editor in the future and to give her a preview of what she wants to do after high school. Friedman said, “I want to major in Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Iowa, so I figured this class would get me an introduction course.”
Friedman is also a part of the North Polk Cross Country team, North Polk Soccer team, and Key Club. She has participated in the cross country since seventh grade, has been in soccer since she was four years old, and has been involved with Key Club since her freshman year.
After school hours, Friedman enjoys writing, reading, and hanging out with friends and family. She is currently reading “The Female of The Species” and stated “I am really enjoying the book so far.”