AG For All
National Convention 2021
November 11, 2021
Eight lucky FFA students got the privilege of attending the 94th National FFA Convention the week of October 26.
National Convention, which is located in Indianapolis, strives to connect students from across the U.S. There they learn about agricultural careers and education, as well as compete in various leadership and skill competitions, as well as workshops.
During Convention, NP FFA attended various places and events. The first day of the trip included driving down to St. Louis, Mo., to visit the Gateway Arch. At the arch, the students were able to walk through a museum about westward expansion as well as see the beautiful view of the city from 630 feet in the air.
When the group made it to Indianapolis, they explored all of the various events that Convention has to offer.
Every National Convention hosts sessions that consist of keynote speakers, awards and retiring addresses. The NP FFA was able to get almost front-row seats for the opening session of the Convention. During the session, the FFA was able to see Courtenay DeHoff, A.K.A Fancy Lady Cowgirl. During her speech, FFA members learned about staying true to themselves while advocating for agriculture.
The NP FFA also got to attend a speaking competition where participants participated in prepared public speaking. This consists of the FFA member creating a timed speech about an agricultural topic and get judged on their knowledge of that topic.
When the students were not attending competitions or opening session, they were doing other activities, such as the career and business fairs, workshops, and attending a rodeo.

Sophomore Anna Harris shares her favorite part of the Convention, “My overall favorite part of the convention was also just walking around and seeing how many other people are taking part in FFA all over the country and then come together all in one place. I think they said over 50,000 members wearing the blue jacket were there.” Harris also enjoyed hanging out with everyone during the rodeo.
Senior Kynsly Gehling enjoyed “walking around the career fair and learning about all of the different colleges and careers. “
Overall, FFA is an organization that strives to prepare students for the future of agriculture through leadership and career development, which is what the NP FFA kinds really value about the organization.
Gehling notes that, “FFA means being unique. Being someone who will stand out among the crowd. Someone who is willing to voice their opinion because someone among the crowd most likely is thinking the same, but is too scared to say it.”