Swinging into the Girls’ Golf Season
April 7, 2022
The North Polk boys’ and girls’ golf have been crafting their skills in hope for a successful spring season.
Gary Fjelland, girls’ golf coach, described the daily practice routine, “At practice we will play the course whenever we can and otherwise we practice putting, chipping and hitting on the range. When weather pushes us inside there are videos and discussions that occur.”
This year the girls’ team has 10 student participants with students; Victoria Nerem, Alexis Husky, Carly Hron, Halle Halberg all returning from a letter winning season.
The girls’ team will host two varsity games this year at TCI on April 5, as well as April 11; the JV team is also scheduled for two matches.
To win a golf meet, Fjelland explains that, “the varsity teams consist of 6 players of which you take the top 4 scores to determine a team winner. Lowest two individual scores for the meet are recognized.”
Fjelland’s goal for the season is, “we could shoot for a sub 200 score and then be consistent with that.” He also recognizes the work of his students, “I have been impressed with team members this year, even with limited opportunities to be on the course.”
Reasons for joining golf may vary, but Alexis Huskey shared, “I joined golf because I have been golfing with my family for most of my life…My dad is also really into golf, so he is also part of the reason I joined golf.”
Husky also described the process of a golf competition, “Once everyone is ready, the coaches separate us into groups of 3-4 girls, and usually the girls are all from different schools. Then our group gets assigned a specific hole to start at, and we make our way out to our starting spot.” Additionally she explained, “Golf is a very mental game, so it is important not to focus on bad hits or the yucky weather, so my coach repetitively reminds us that it is important to approach your turn with a fresh mind. Once we get going, we golf through either the nine holes or the 18 holes (depending on the meet). Once everyone is finished golfing, we all meet back at the club house where the host coaches add up and announce the scores.”
Husky’s goal for the season is to improve her swing and improve throughout the season.

Junior Paige Jewell had a slow start to her golfing career, due to Covid-19, but last year she was finally able to get out on to the course. “My grandpa actually is the reason I joined golf! I promised him my freshman year that I would go out because I knew how much he loved it! Covid-19 canceled that season and I felt lucky because I was terrible! My sophomore year rolled around and I went out again so I wouldn’t break my promise! I ended up really loving the sport,” explained Jewell.
Jewell’s goal for the season is, “to knock about 8 strokes off of my total and make lots of friends from other schools!”