Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress
May 6, 2022
While most seniors were away in Washington D.C. for a senior trip, the rest of the high school students in grades 9-11 were taking the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress, ISASP, tests.
This year, the teachers changed a few things to make testing run more efficiently, but most students did not realize. Counselor Jessica Allen shared, “From an ISASP teacher team, we felt that testing went very smoothly. We appreciated the good student attendance to minimize make-ups.”
For testing, in high school, everyone besides seniors are required to take the reading, English, and math test. However, sophomores were also required to take the science test. The state requires only certain grade levels to take the science test to be able to measure growth.
As the scores pop up when students finish these tests, the ISASP scores are reported to the state and to the school. “Scores are used to assess our curriculum and how we can best serve students,” Allen noted.
Most students think that ISASP testing is not important for them, but the test scores are used to “show student growth and help us continually improve our curriculum to best support our students,” Allen shared.
Overall, Allen concluded, “I want to thank our teachers and students. ISASP testing isn’t the most fun part of the school year. I appreciate the positivity of our Comet Nation to forge through and make the best of it! Also, a huge shout out to Mr. Poldberg for wishing us encouragement throughout the week from D.C.”