First and Second Place at the Law Day Competition

Isabelle Friedman

Isabella Friedman with her award for winning the poetry category.

Alexis Dorsett, Newspaper Editor

Isabelle Friedman recently participated in the Law Day Competition. As an outcome, she received first in the poetry category and second in the essay category. 

Friedman has been participating in the Law Day Competition for four years. She notes, “It is really awesome to receive the honor of first in the poetry category and second in the essay category because I have been refining my writing skills ever since I was in middle school and discovered my love of writing.”

During her experience participating in this competition, Friedman shared that it, “has been really great because it gives me the opportunity to share my writing in a unique way and learn more about the Constitution, which is something I am interested in. They usually have lunch, a couple speakers, and prizes, so it is a really awesome opportunity that gets you out of school for a few hours. I have earned prizes in the form of Barnes and Noble gift cards.”

To prepare for the competition, she starts by “researching the topic, reviewing my research for main points or ideas, creating first and second drafts, and then editing those drafts down to a final entry. For the poetry category, I usually write a few different poems and then choose the best poem out of those options,” Friedman said. 

Every year for the competition, there is a different speaker who discusses the law and the prompt. The speakers tend to be a mix of lawyers, judges, and sometimes journalists. In the past years, Friedman participated in the competition, she mentioned that the speakers are really good about being engaging and interesting. 

In the competition, “There are other categories, too. I do not know much about them because I just participate in the essay and poetry categories, but I think there is an art category and a technology category as well,” Friedman notes. 

Overall, Friedman has always had a good experience with the Law Day of Competition and she shared “I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who is interested in the law or in writing. It is the perfect creative outlet because you have the freedom to create whatever type of project you want and you can take the prompt in any direction you would like.”