Unconventional Homecoming Week
Praise for Student Council
October 6, 2020

Homecoming prep by the student council looked a little different this year due to COVID-19. The student council had been planning since the start of the year to ensure students can have a fun and safe homecoming week.
Due to COVID-19, the council had to restrict some events that would usually add excitement to the week. These included the homecoming parade, the pep rally in the Polk City Square, and the dance following the football game.
Liz Huether, the advisor of the student council, responded saying, “We had to think about what things can we realistically do, what things can we do safely, what things would we like to do, and what things are there’s just no way this year that we can.”
The student council also had to think about the safety of their members while doing activities. This included, window painting, hallway decorating and planning the coronation.
Huether added to this by saying, “We tried to space out the workload so we don’t have a bunch of people working all at the same time.” She also stated, “When we went out for window painting, windows at businesses are only so big. So we can only put maybe two kids at a window anyways, standing and painting. That lent itself to small groups.”
The council is also finding that COVID does not seem to be scaring students away from participating in school activities. Surprisingly the student council found that recruiting was easier this year than most.
Aly Cromley, the newly elected student council president, responded to this saying, “Students are realizing that there is more to student council than just planning, it can be fun as well. With COVID being an issue, student council gives them the chance to use their voice and have events that make the most of the year.”
Overall, most students agree that the student council made the most of homecoming with the limitations they had put on them.
Sisters Maddie and Hallie Winther agree that the student council put a lot of effort into the week. “I believe for the circumstances the student council was under, they did a very fantastic job on working around it, and making sure everyone still had a decently nice homecoming.” Responded Maddie Winther. Hallie Winther also added saying, “I think with the situations student council had, they did very well.”