Galaxy News 5.22.24
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About the Contributors

Aidan Trier, Broadcast Editor
Aiden Trier is in his junior year and is pursuing his second year as a broadcast editor after taking both Intro to Journalism and Journalism Productions.
Trier divulged that “[he] continued to take broadcasting because it’s a fun class with fun people and [he] can annoy my mother a little more.”
When not annoying his mother Trier is involved in soccer, marching band and speech through the school. He is also a part of Boy Scout Troop 89 out of Polk City.
Trier furthermore explained “[he] [is] looking forward to making good videos and creating memories.”

Lucas Bakken, Broadcast Editor
Senior Lucas Bakken is in his third year as broadcasting editor and is also involved in Speech, Ames Community Theatre (ACTORS) and Marching Band.
When asked why Bakken joined journalism he explained “Mrs. Stubbs kept recommending Journalism and [he] hope[s] to make broadcasting or video editing a career. Also, making fun of Adian is fun.”
Bakken has great plans for his senior year of high school and exciting projects in journalism too as his last year of being one of North Polk’s favorite broadcasters.
In his final year of broadcasting Bakken exclaimed “[he] [is] excited to do [his] best editing yet!”